Contact us
- Detalii
- Publicat: 08 Ianuarie 2017 08 Ianuarie 2017
- Ultima actualizare: 01 Februarie 2017 01 Februarie 2017
Chief Secretary Phone 0241 545 015
Niculae Mădălina
Responsible Secretary of Economics Phone 0241 545 015 or 021/4551000
CAZACU Adriana
Responsible Secretary for Law Phone 0241 545 015 or 021/4551069
ION Cristina
Professor PhD Mihnea Claudiu Drumea
Professor PhD Dumitru Gheorghe Phone 0241 545 015
Associate Professor PhD Pârvu Iuliana Phone 0241 545 015
Head of Economics Department
Associate Professor PhD Neguriță Octav Phone 0241 545 015
Faculty Council member
Associate Professor PhD Patache Laura Phone 0241 545 015
Chairman of Committee on Evaluation and Quality Assurance
Associate Professor PhD Ipate Dragoș Phone 0241 545 015
Associate Professor PhD Dinu Gheorghe Phone 0241 545 015
Faculty Council member
Associate Professor PhD Topor Roxana Elena Phone 0241 545 015
Head of Law Department
Lecturer PhD Flavia Lucia Ghencea Phone 0241 545 015
Lecturer PhD Ingrid Ileana Nicolau Phone 0241 545 015
Board member of Law Department
Lecturer PhD Stoian Anca Phone 0241 545 015
Member of the Committee on Evaluation and Quality Assurance
Lecturer PhD Magiru Anca Phone 0241 545 015
Lecturer PhD Duțu Tiberiu Phone 0241 545 015
Faculty Council member
Lecturer PhD Lazăr Patrick Rareș Phone 0241 545 015
Member of the Internal Audit Commission
Lecturer PhD Bejan Ana-Maria Phone 0241 545 015
University assistant PhD Guni Claudia Phone 0241 545 015
Board member of Economics Department
Lecturer PhD Lazăr Liliana Phone 0241 545 015
Board member of Law Department
Lecturer PhD Trandafir Adina Phone 0241 545 015
Board member of Economics Department
Associate Professor PhD Chiru Claudiu Phone 0241 545 015
Chairman of the Internal Audit Commission
Lecturer PhD Bebeșelea Mihaela Phone 0241 545 015
Member of the Committee on Evaluation and Quality Assurance